What is the Parents’ Forum?

The Parents’ Forum is an open forum where a group of parents/carers meet once a term to discuss school-related issues (please see below for the meeting dates).  Regular, open communication and consultation with parents/carers is really important to the school. The Parents’ Forum provides a valuable way to listen to your ideas and concerns and seek your views, helping to make sure the needs of children and their families are met. Before each Parent Forum meeting, a letter will be sent out to all parents asking for their comments, concerns and congratulations. The responses gathered will form the agenda for the Parent Forum Meeting. Meetings are chaired by school staff and/or governors. Meetings are informal and are a genuine opportunity for open discussion


Sharing the Information

Parents/carers are encouraged to share information from Parents’ Forum Meetings with parents/carers of other children in school. Feedback is also included in school newsletters which are distributed to all parents and published on this website. Issues raised should be general issues. If you have specific concerns about your child, your first point of contact should always be your class teacher.


Parents' Forum Meeting Dates Meeting Dates

  • Wednesday 2nd October 2024 8.50am
  • Wednesday 22nd January 2025 8.50am
  • Wednesday 30th April 2025 8.50am


Ofsted would like your thoughts on our school, at any time…

Please visit https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/ and click on the ‘Give Your Views’ link to tell Ofsted what you think about Ladybridge Primary School. You can visit the Parent View website at any time and complete the questionnaire. 


What is Parent View?

For further information, download the Parent View information leaflet.