We have achieved Healthy Schools Status; an important part of this is the encouragement of healthy eating at Ladybridge.


Break Time Snacks

Snacks from home

All children may bring a snack from home to eat at morning break time.  Snacks must be healthy and must NOT contain nuts.  Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be provided with free fruit.  


It is important that pupils stay hydrated throughout the day, as this helps them to concentrate, stay alert and focused. Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school, which they can access at any time. 


School Lunches

For lunch, children can either have a school meal at a cost of £12.35 per week, or bring a packed lunch from home.   Advice on providing a healthy packed lunch or information about the healthy school dinners can be obtained from school or follow this link https://www.bolton.gov.uk/schoolmeals

KS1 Parents - Universal Infant Free School Meals - The government provides funding (subject to change according to Government policy) for school meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Therefore, there is currently no charge for meals in KS1. When pupils move into Year 3, they will need to start paying for their school meal unless they are entitled to a statutory free meal, see information below.


Please see sample menu below:




School Meals for Pupils with an Allergy/Intolerance

If your child is allergic to certain foods, they can still enjoy school lunches.  To arrange school lunches for a child with an allergy, a 'Therapeutic Diet Request' form must be completed and then endorsed by a suitable medical practitioner as confirmation of the allergy. 



Free School Meals

Parents of pupils who are eligible for statutory free school meals should claim by calling 01204 331590 or click here for more information. Please note that your child receives extra funding (called Pupil Premium Grant) for educational needs if they are registered as receiving statutory free school meals. Therefore, we urge all parents to claim this allowance if you think that you are entitled to it. This includes parents in KS1 whose child is taking universal infant free school meals and meets the requirements for statutory free school meals. If you need further clarification on any of the above, please contact the school office.



School is entitled to extra funding for your child, but will not receive it unless you claim for it.